June 30, 2013

Happy Day X 2

Happy Happy
5th Birthday
to you too
Hope your birthday is amazing and full of fun!

Happy Day

Happy 5th Birthday

Hope your big day is absolutely amazing!

June 28, 2013

My Summer Birthdays!

I couldn't forget these friends!

Happy 5th birthday!
I wish you both an amazing day!
Caroline - - - July 24th
Tye - - - July 24th


June 24, 2013

Morning Helper

We have had a new way to think about my daily helper for the past few weeks. This is one of my favourite ways to discover who my helper is because the students have to think reasonably and also make use of their environment to figure things out. We discuss how right away we should be looking for and thinking about the capital letter on the tray. Once we know the capital we can eliminate a lot of people right because when looking at our student word wall we know there are only a few friends under the matching letter. When looking under "J" we know that we can count how many letters are in a name and if the letters match those on the tray if we unscramble it.


The above has been fantastic for reviewing letters and their associated sounds. Below you will see that we take it a step further. We identify the vowels (using our song to trigger memory if necessary) and the consonants and create a number sentence that is a very simple introduction to addition. It is also a wonderful activity for discussing numbers and identifying what number we actually need when given multiple choices. A quick multipurpose activity and fun too!

June 23, 2013


As I look out the window and think about what to write today my mind goes to our Stonecrest student Bridget. Bridget is a Senior Kindergarten student in Madam Wilson's afternoon class; sadly she is undergoing a huge challenge in her young life as she battles Wilms' tumour and its spread to her lymph nodes and lungs. As you may have already heard she underwent surgery to remove the tumour on Thursday and is in recovery under the great care of the doctors and nurses at CHEO.  Bridget is a lovely little girl with a ton of spirit! She is the type of child who is on the go, wears a smile all of the time, is helpful, loving, and beautiful on the inside and out. I know she will give it her all to battle and get better as she continues with her treatments.

Our Summer Send Off BBQ was a great success in more ways than one. The feeling of community and family was exemplified on Thursday night as many donations came in for Bridget and her family during this difficult time. If you would like to make a donation (food items, gas cards, etc) and/or spread the word about Bridget, please see the attached flyer for more information or, alternatively, you can make a donation (every little bit helps) online at:

Let's keep Bridget and her family in our thoughts.

June 20, 2013

End of Year Celebration

The year has flown by! I can't believe we are on the home stretch and your child is moving onwards and upwards! As we draw to a close we will have a classroom "party" (really it is just regular old snack time) to celebrate a wonderful year together. The following families have ever so kindly offered to provide snack for our class of 20.

The snack/"party" for your smart little cookie will be on Wednesday June 26th.

Fruit: Caroline's Family
Cookies: Sophie's Family
Cupcakes: Aaden's Family
Cheese & Crackers: Jeremy's Family             
Veggies & Dip                     
Juice & Cups: Logan's Family

June 17, 2013

Creative Building

There are some architects, engineers, and construction workers in the room! Here we are making really amazing structures and then drawing our fabulous creations. There has been everything from a city, to a castle, to a school, to a skateboard park! Each day the designs seemed to get bigger and bigger and peaked the interest of those who typically aren't into building! We've had some large wooden block creations too; I'll try to get the kids in action working together so you can see their little minds ticking away!

June 16, 2013

Urggg....Poor Dads!

So late in the day to be saying this, but...hope you had a great day with your fabulous child!
Happy Dad's Day!

June 10, 2013

Experimental Farm

What a fantastic field trip to the Experimental Farm! The trip was very interactive, our guide was super animated, and the weather was perfect for a farm visit! We saw so many animals but were also very fortunate to be able to give many of them a tender little pat...even the worms! Below are a few snapshots that I hope you enjoy and that tell a little of our experience.

Waiting patiently

Up close and personal
Oooh...so soft!
Litte rabbit Foo Foo
Little goats
Being little seeds
And growing, and growing...
 Planting the real thing
Here come the wiggly worms!
Protecting them from going off the table
Looking closer
Whew....he's big
A great day!

June 05, 2013

A Little Housecleaning

This post is just a few reminders/requests:

Please be sure to send in the new permission form for Pinhey's Point. Since we had to cancel our original date we had to create new forms which are necessary for your child to participate in the excursion. At this point all families have paid and about half have sent the form back. Let me know if you need a new permission slip so I can get that sent to you ASAP.

As a reminder, there is no school this Friday June 7th.
And finally, Mrs. Todd is looking for all Library books to be returned. There won't be any more oppportunities to take books out from the Library for the remainder of the school year. Let me know if you need the name or a picture of the book that you are digging around for!
Think that is it for now....

June 03, 2013


Sadly I am having technical difficulties with my home computer. I hope it is back up and running for tomorrow because I have lots to post and share. Cross your fingers for me!

May 31, 2013

Birthday Girl!

Happy Birthday!
Wishing you have lots and lots of fun on your 5th birthday Grace!


May 22, 2013

April 22nd

This post would have been much better to have gone out on April 22nd (not May 22nd!), but every day is Earth Day right? Students were invited to create an image of Earth, if they wished, using a coffee filter, markers, and water. Once completed they chose their Earth Day message to include at the bottom which came from a poem/song that we learned.

May 15, 2013

Famous Artist Pt 2

We had a smidge of time to complete an activity that would be representative of another famous artist: Andy Warhol or "The King of Pop". Thanks to a fabulous Pinterest find, we created:

Our KinderGallery is in the main foyer of the school and showcases art completed by both morning and afternoon JK's and SK's. There are pieces completed in the likes of Dines, O'Keefe, Monet, Picasso, Warhol, and Van Gogh. The art will still be up for our Spring Concert this Thursday night so be sure to look for your famous little artist's work!

May 14, 2013

Famous Artist

Vincent Van Gogh visited us to check out our version of Starry night.

Looking sad and lonely
How could he not have liked them? They are spectacular! There are many artists among us!

May 12, 2013

Mom's Day

Happy Mom's Day!
Hope you enjoy your day and are spoiled with many squishes from your wee one(s)!

May 08, 2013

Dancing Machines

I wish I had many pictures to share, but these kids move fast!
Last week we enjoyed dance lessons from Yves and now I think we really do have the "moves like Jagger"!  Hopefully we can show them to you next Thursday night!


May 05, 2013

Happy Day...

Happy Happy Birthday
Happy Happy Birthday
To You!!!


May 03, 2013

Mini Books

Recently we have used these cute, simple puzzles to inspire us to make some mini books. The words are easy for the children to sound out (c-v-c), and the pictures clearly support the text as we can look at the picture to give us a clue if we are stuck on what the word may be.


It was one of those activities that nobody was really drawn to at first, and so to make it more enticing, they were given the opportunity to read us their book during final circle! Majic!

May 02, 2013

April Showers Bring...

Samuel's Birthday!
Happy 5th Birthday Samuel!
Hope your day is super-crazy-fabulous!

April 29, 2013

Happy B-Day

  Happy Happy
Hope your birthday is fantastic!

April 22, 2013

Looking, Listening, and Thinking Carefully

It was a quick job for the kids to sort oviparous and not oviparous animals into the hoola hoops, so to extend our thinking, we explored and investigated the similarities and differences between some oviparous animals. Here are a few of their ideas:
  • some can fly but others swim
  • some can live on land and water while others can only live in water or only on land
  • some have 4 legs, some have 2 legs, and some don't have legs at all
  • some can be found in Canada and others can not
  • some like hot weather and some like cold
With only picture cues and a little nudging and prompting to get them going we had a really great discussion (they're fab detectives!). As a follow up to the lesson the students were to draw two pictures of any oviparous animals and one that was not. Here is a sample of their drawings (enjoy!) :