April 29, 2013

Happy B-Day

  Happy Happy
Hope your birthday is fantastic!

April 22, 2013

Looking, Listening, and Thinking Carefully

It was a quick job for the kids to sort oviparous and not oviparous animals into the hoola hoops, so to extend our thinking, we explored and investigated the similarities and differences between some oviparous animals. Here are a few of their ideas:
  • some can fly but others swim
  • some can live on land and water while others can only live in water or only on land
  • some have 4 legs, some have 2 legs, and some don't have legs at all
  • some can be found in Canada and others can not
  • some like hot weather and some like cold
With only picture cues and a little nudging and prompting to get them going we had a really great discussion (they're fab detectives!). As a follow up to the lesson the students were to draw two pictures of any oviparous animals and one that was not. Here is a sample of their drawings (enjoy!) :




April 17, 2013

Spirit Week

Mark April 22-26 on your calendar as Stonecrest's Spirit Week!

Monday April 22nd ::::: Retro Day
Tuesday April 23rd ::::: Wacky Hair/Hat Day
Wednesday April 24th ::::: Country Day
Thursday April 25th ::::: Character Day
Friday April 26th ::::: Sports Day

This is just a fun week that you may wish to have your child participate in. Just send them to school in their outfit/costume if they are taking part! 

April 16, 2013

A Makeover...

We transformed this simple paper plate
into two adorable oviparous animals!

We added texture to the turtle using
bubble wrap as our painting method, and added a few lovely
white feathers from a boa for the swan. Simple but so sweet!

April 15, 2013


Library day is tomorrow....I forgot to send the pink reminder notes home. Sorry!

April 12, 2013

Ovipa What???

Animals that hatch from eggs have been the hot topic lately!  
Here we sorted common animals into oviparous/not oviparous/we don't know categories:
Then we read this awesome book:

And finally made some changes to our sorting because we made some huge discoveries:

April 11, 2013

Birthday Girl!

Happy Birthday Dear Hannah!
Happy 5th Birthday To You!


It has been a tricky Spring when trying to figure out what is appropriate outdoor wear right now. Some days are warm, some are super cold, some are snowy, some are windy. To add to this decision making process I want to give you a heads up that our field and play area for the children is still quite a gooey mess. We have so much mud, the field is sopping wet in spots, and we still have some snow piles! Please consider sending your child in rubber boots (and maybe splash pants if you have them) for their comfort.

April 09, 2013

Happy Happy

Happy Happy Happy Happy
Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Have a good time tonight!

April 08, 2013

M is for Measurement

Recently the students completed an activity that incorporated many of their fine skills. We started the activity by cutting out their traced foot, measured the length of it using cubes, counted how many cubes were needed to cover the length of their foot, and then chose a "mini" or "big" language challenge for its completion (printing sight words or printing the whole sentence).

We have also been discussing other various ways that you can measure things using language such as taller or shorter, heavier or lighter, and bigger or smaller. A balance scale with regular classroom items was placed at a table for students to use and explore.

April 03, 2013

We're Graphing

From time to time we create class graphs to display data such as our favourite colour, how old we are, if we have a pet, etc. Last week the children were given an egg full of jelly beans that they cracked open and, you guessed it, graphed the colours of the jelly beans inside. The "big" reward for a job well done....eating a few!