October 19, 2012

Spider Schema

Last week we kicked off a unit of learning about Spiders. We began by thinking about everything we know about Spiders (or what we think we know!) and then shared this information. It was not a question about whether the thought was accurate or not, but more about getting our ideas down on paper. Here is a list of our current knowledge:
  • spiders eat butterflies
  • spiders spin webs
  • spiders can drop from their web
  • spiders live outside
  • spiders live inside
  • spiders eat mosquitos
  • spiders have 8 legs
  • spiders can bite
  • dogs eat spiders
  • spiders can crawl on people
After communicating what we knew about spiders, we then shared our curiosities through "I wonder..." statements. This proved to be a more difficult concept for the children to grasp onto, but here are a few:
  • I wonder what a spider will do if it gets mad?
  • I wonder what spiders eat? Do they eat pumpkins?
  • I wonder if they chew their food?
  • I wonder if spiders can bite?

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