November 07, 2012

Sorting 101

Remember last month when each child's name was selected to help take attendance to the office, be the line leader, and overall helper? If it was John's turn we talked about the letters (capital and lowercase), how many there were, what it looks like on a ten frame etc. Well this month we are sorting the letters in the helper's name and deciding if  they are tall, small, or if they fall (See Vala's name below). As we sort the letters we are having yet another review and quicker identification of upper and lowercase letters.

Sorting is something the children are very comfortable doing....especially when it comes to sorting colours! Below is a chart that we worked on together for a number of days and later used for referral in the completion of another, more independent, activity revolving around Halloween items.

But wait.....we couldn't stop there! Why not incorporate a language activity too! Notice the piece of paper in the student's hand? He is looking carefully at the word in his hand and comparing it to the chart paper to see if this is the word he is looking for to finish the sentence that tells how he sorted. Strategies such as identifying the initial letter on a word, counting letters and comparing were all topics of discussion! It was so much fun to watch, listen, and see their reaction when they found the word they needed!

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